Salvador Dali tarot - gold edge edition.


Printed in Spain, 1984

Gold edge edition.

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Добавяне към списъка с желания

Техническо описание

Height 14
Width 7.5
Cards in deck 78

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Salvador Dali created 78 collages in his unique surrealist vision as his tarot deck. 

While it does not follow the Waite tradition of images it is a beautiful deck for historians, art lovers, and collectors as well as tarot enthusiasts.  The cards are over-sized 14/7.5 cm and edged in gold.

Printed  T.G. Soler S.A./Naipes Comas, Printed in Spain, 1984
Traditional card titles, in English and Spanish

The instruction booklet comes in 3  languages; English, Spanish, and French, and includes 3 card spreads.

