The Tarocco delle Vetrate

Нов продукт

also known as Stained-Glass Windows Tarot.

Printed by Dal Negro.

Повече детайли

$ 37.27

Добавяне към списъка с желания

Техническо описание

Height 11.5
Width 6.5
Cards in deck 78

Повече информация

The Tarocco delle Vetrate also known as Stained-Glass Windows Tarot.

The Tarocco delle Vetrate depicts traditional Tarot motifs using a technique that mimics the color and structure

of medieval stained-glass windows.

The result is a stunning, gloriously coloured Tarot from Luigi Scapini,

artist of the Medieval Scapini Tarot and Shakespeare Tarot.

The minors are generally pip-style cards, but some are relatively scenic.

Printed by Dal Negro.
Card Size: 2.56 x 4.65 in. = 6.50cm x 11.80cm
Card Language: Italian


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