Il Fantastico Viaggio Di Un Manichino Da Pittore


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Il Fantastico Viaggio Di Un Manichino Da Pittore

Limited edition of 800 copies.

Printed by Il Meneghello

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$ 58.83

Добавяне към списъка с желания

Техническо описание

Height 22
Width 11
Cards in deck 22

Повече информация

The deck presents mannequin figures which correspond to the 22 Trumps. The title roughly translates to 'The Fantastic Voyage of a Mannequin as pictured in the 22 Arcana.' The art style is surreal. The cards measure approximately 4.3" x 8 1/5 inches, 22 x 11 cm. The cardstock is of high quality and the deck was published in a limited edition. The box style is sturdy slipcovers with ribbons. Also included is a booklet (in Italian) that covers the history of the mannequin figure in art, the imagery on each Tarot card, and traditional divinatory associations.


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